Blog Posts
Former PETA Employee Speaks Out
There’s a limit to how brainwashing a person can take. Even for a PETA employee. Laura Lee Cascada, an ex-employee of PETA, took to Medium to air her grievances with the hypocritical, pet-killing organization. Given the article’s long length, we have decided to highlight the most important and damning details: PETA starts its cultish indoctrination process from […]
PETA’s California Circus Bill is a Trojan Horse
PETA: Ethical? No. Deceptive? Yes. In what seems to be an episode in its misleading campaign to ban animals, PETA is pushing California lawmakers to ban any facility from traveling with wild or exotic animals. The bill, so-called “Circus Cruelty Prevention Act,” isn’t meant to target circuses but rather small groups that exhibit animals for […]
PETA Picks on Steve Irwin
PETA’s social media team seems to have a new favorite target: dead celebrities. Fortunately, Twitter wasn’t having it. Following Google’s touching tribute last week to Steve Irwin’s on what would have been his 57th birthday via a specialized doodle, PETA decided to tweet out: #SteveIrwin was killed while harassing a ray; he dangled his baby while […]
Lawsuit Reveals Backdoor Channel Between PETA and HSUS
Kitty Block and PETA are like a dog and its bone—inseparable. Recently, a company called Paws for Effect, which trains animals that are used in films, filed a defamation lawsuit against PETA. According to the suit, longtime PETA exec Lisa Lange defamed the company by reaching out to a Sony executive (and perhaps others in Hollywood) falsely […]
PETA Exploits Fashion Leader’s Death
PETA CEO Ingrid Newkirk may be a vegan, but she is acting like vulture circling a carcass. Less than one hour after the passing of famed designer and cat owner Karl Lagerfeld became public, PETA tweeted: Karl Lagerfeld has gone, and his passing marks the end of an era when fur and exotic skins were seen as covetable. […]
Is This PETA’s Most Hypocritical Protest?
PETA continues to prove that no one knows how to waste over $50 million like it can. As it has done in years before, PETA is protesting during the 143rd Westminster Kennel Dog Show. This year’s antics include protesting behind “blood”-soaked “dead dogs” while holding signs that say “Breeders Kill Shelter Dogs’ Chances.” The […]
Lawsuit Seeks to Take a Bite out of PETA
Enough is enough for a small business called Paws for Effect, a company that adopts and trains animals to perform in various types of media. According to documents obtained by TMZ, Paws for Effect is suing PETA for defamation. This comes after, as part of its smear campaign against the film A Dog’s Way Home, PETA sent an email to […]
PETA’s “Kill Mill” Slaughtered 1,800 Pets Last Year
In 2018, PETA killed 50 times more animals than it adopted out. Worse? PETA killed the vast majority of animals within 24 hours of intake. It’s crazy that PETA, an organization with total revenue last year of more than $56 million, continues to care more about lettuce bikinis, frivolous lawsuits over animal selfies, and telling you not […]
Which of PETA’s Campaigns Was Voted the Craziest?
Our PETA’s Craziest Campaign Contest has just concluded and, after receiving thousands of votes, the winner has emerged. There are a lot of crazy PETA campaigns, but only one could take home the title of Craziest PETA Campaign. And the winner is…PETA’s “Holocaust On Your Plate” campaign! Yes, PETA’s insensitive comparison of farms to Nazi concentration camps was […]
Even Vegans Turned Off by PETA’s Shock Campaigns
You may think PETA is an animal rights organization, but its work may more accurately be described as being “press sluts,” to quote PETA president Ingrid Newkirk. Most people are already turned off by PETA’s tactics—such as trivializing the Holocaust—but even vegans are pushing back. Gillette’s recent “toxic masculinity” ad created some buzz and PETA couldn’t help but attempt to […]