Celebs Turning against PETA?
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is famous for using celebrities (frequently in a state of undress) in its advertisements. And given the ability of these self-defined “complete press sluts” to shock the media into paying attention, you might think that America’s entertainment elite are all on board with PETA’s radical agenda.
However, in recent weeks we’ve seen celebrities starting to stand up to what former supporter Khloe Kardashian recently called PETA’s “lying bullies.” It’s not just a reality television phenomenon: The Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence said in no uncertain terms: “Screw PETA.” Rap superstar Kanye West even taunts PETA his latest album.
PETA’s tactics are even costing the group allies. Khloe Kardashian’s remark was prompted by reports that a “flour-bomb” attack on her sister Kim was aided by the animal rights group; previously, she had appeared in PETA campaigns. Her decision is understandable; the flour bomber was reportedly a member of PETA whose sister is a high-ranking PETA official, and PETA has offered to pay the activist’s legal bills if charges are filed.
While Ms. Kardashian may have turned on PETA in large part due to family ties, we can think of many reasons that celebrities pressured by the animal rights fringe to join up shouldn’t. Beyond the hypocrisy of some prominent PETA supporters, there is the lethal hypocrisy of PETA itself. We’ll welcome any who see the light on this noxious activist group.