PETA’s 25 Years of Killing Pets

While animal shelters work tirelessly to rescue pets and unite them with loving families, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) kills thousands of cats and dogs.
According to the latest government filings, PETA euthanized 2,092 dogs and cats in 2022–its highest killing year since 2014. What’s more, PETA has killed nearly 50,000 animals over the last twenty-five years in its Virginia “shelter.”
Based on our calculations, the number of pets PETA has killed would fill 225 dump trucks.
Meanwhile, PETA’s adoption stats are shockingly low. PETA only adopted 58 animals last year, amounting to a 2.1% adoption rate. By contrast, its kill rate is 74%.
These numbers ultimately come from PETA itself as animal shelters in Virginia are required to report animal custody figures.
PETA’s high kill rate stands in stark isolation compared to other shelters in Virginia. For instance, Norfolk Animal Care & Adoption Center, just 5 miles from PETA, took in 4,337 animals in 2022 (more than PETA) and its euthanasia rate was a much lower 10%.
Even government agencies have been startled by PETA’s unethical behavior. One Virginia inspector deemed PETA a “euthanasia clinic” and observed that PETA violates its own standards for a humane animal shelter.
As shocking as these numbers are, they should not surprise any serious follower of the animal rights group.
PETA has long condemned pet ownership. PETA President Ingrid Newkirk called owning pets “an abysmal situation.” She also argued that stray cats would be better off dead than facing unforeseen harms such as being hit by a car.
In addition, PETA representatives have faced legal issues due to their radical, deadly posture toward animals. In 2014, PETA members were sued after stealing a chihuahua off a family’s front porch and killing it. The group eventually paid a $50,000 settlement. And in 2007, two PETA employees were arrested and charged with 31 counts of animal cruelty felonies after being caught dumping animal bodies.
Read our report on PETA’s 25 years of killing and share it with your friends. People deserve to know the truth about PETA.