It seems harassment from animal activists is on the rise. And it’s high time the IRS and FBI do something about it.

Last week, we filed a complaint with the IRS and FBI regarding PETA and two California-based groups called Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) and Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation. These are radical groups lobbying to dictate lifestyle decisions on Californians–and we believe these organizations have abused the nonprofit tax code.


  • Direct Action Everywhere breaks into farms and terrorizes farmers. The group has also intimidated shoppers at Whole Foods, Chipotle, and other businesses. Its actions may well be in violation of the federal Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. The group’s activists are facing criminal charges in several states and may have violated the federal Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. DxE is a network funded by a tax-exempt charity called Friends of DxE.
  • Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation has been accused of leaving dogs to die horribly in Asia instead of rescuing them—the group’s supposed charitable mission. Its executive director also served time in California prison for felony kidnapping.
  • PETA has given tax-exempt donations to fund the efforts of Direct Action Everywhere, according to its most recent tax return. PETA has also given money to the Earth Liberation Front (considered a domestic terrorist group by the FBI) and to defend an arsonist who burned down a university laboratory. PETA activists have also been arrested on numerous occasions.

These groups have been involved in lobbying for fur bans in California, at the local or state level. But make no mistake. This radical lifestyle dictation from PETA and other extremists won’t end with fur. These activists don’t believe people should be able to buy leather, wool, and other clothing derived from animals. They don’t want people to be allowed to buy a hamburger. PETA is even against owning pets.

While everyone has free speech rights, harassing people and getting arrested aren’t legitimate nonprofit activity. It’s time for the feds to end the charade and hold activists accountable.